Meh… Not interesting…
pip install ipython sudo apt-get install ipython # ubuntu ipython
Welcome to iPython!!
Command Line Help
ipython -h
Interactive Help:
? %quickref help() object? object??
In [23]: import itertools
In [24]: itertools.
itertools.chain itertools.groupby
itertools.combinations itertools.ifilter
itertools.combinations_with_replacement itertools.ifilterfalse
In [15]: files = !ls In [16]: files Out[16]: ['', 'ipy', 'ipy.html', '']
In [25]: 56 * 8903 Out[25]: 498568 In [26]: _ * 12 Out[26]: 5982816 In [27]: _ + 1 Out[27]: 5982817 In [28]: %hist
In [3]: %lsmagic Out[3]: Available line magics: %aimport %alias %alias_magic %autocall %autoindent %automagic Available cell magics: %%! %%HTML %%SVG %%bash %%capture %%debug %%file %%html Automagic is ON, % prefix IS NOT needed for line magics.
In [4]: %automagic Automagic is OFF, % prefix IS needed for line magics.
In [5]: %colors
UsageError: %colors: you must specify a color scheme. See '%colors?'
In [6]: %colors lightbg
In [2]: %run bangpypers
In [3]: %edit IPython will make a temporary file named: /tmp/ipython_edit_SLR3Je/ Editing... done. Executing edited code... a Out[3]: "print('a')\n"
In [1]: x = 1 In [2]: y = 2 In [3]: def f(): ...: print('a') ...: In [4]: f() a In [5]: %save 1-4
In [6]: %timeit x = 1 + 2 10000000 loops, best of 3: 52.8 ns per loop In [7]: %timeit -n 1 x = 1 + 2 1 loops, best of 3: 954 ns per loop In [8]: %timeit -n 1 -r 5 x = 1 + 2 1 loops, best of 5: 954 ns per loop
In [11]: %paste %timeit -n 1 x = 1 + 2 ## -- End pasted text -- 1 loops, best of 3: 954 ns per loop
In [12]: %pastebin 1-12
Out[12]: u'
In [14]: def add(x, y): ....: return x + y ....: In [15]: /add 1,2 Out[15]: 3 In [16]: %autocall Automatic calling is: Smart In [17]: add 1,2 -------> add(1,2) Out[17]: 3
In [18]: def foo(s): ....: return s ....: In [19]: foo('bangpypers') Out[19]: 'bangpypers' In [20]: ,foo bangpypers Out[20]: 'bangpypers'
In [24]: import func
In [25]:
old value
In [26]: %load_ext autoreload
In [27]: %autoreload 2
In [28]:
new value
Create custom profiles
ipython profile create anand # add config to ~/.ipython/profile_anand/ ipython --profile=anand
Lint Checking
Syntax Highlighting
Auto Completion
pip install ptpython ptipython