How to teach neural networks (deep learning) to your grandma?
Curiosity - To learn about neural networks.
Patience - It takes time to train networks.
Ask Questions
- Raise your hands
- Standup
- Throw something
- Formula to convert miles to kilometers?
- Formula to convert celsius to farenheit?
- Formula to convert non-swimmer to swimmer?
Tacit Knowledge
Difficult to transfer to another person by writing/verbalizing.
Ex: Driving, Swimming
How tacit knowledge is acquired?
Ex: Flash light in phone
Ex: Auto brightness in phone
Closed Loop System
- They can contain tacit knowledge.
- They learn things.
- They can preserve learning.
Why machines need to learn?
- They know only 0 & 1.
- Humans wanted machines to solve complex problems.
- Very hard to write python program to recognise images.
How to make machines learn?
Design a system which can learn
Learning System v1
- Convert miles to kilometers
Learning System v1
- Single node
- Not enough for real world problems
- Need more nodes
- Average value which satisfies of all input data
Learning System v2
- Multi node
- Classical xor problem
- Need more layers
Learning System v3
- Mutli layer, multi node
- Good enough for real world problems
- Learning how neural networks is easy
- Training neural networks for good accuracy is hard